
Valter Ventura at Kubikgallery

Aim, shoot, capture, take. Words with a double meaning that are related to two seemingly different universes but whose movements and actions, when seen, are formidably similar. Hunting and photography share the same lexicon which flows into two different discourses. As Wittgenstein noted, there are...

Aim, shoot, capture, take. Wor...

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LUZAZUL – Public Program

Regarding the exhibition LUZAZUL by Miguel Soares, the Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado organized a thorough program of public service divided between masterclasses lectured by the artist, conferences and talks surrounding the great themes of the exhibition: robotization, Artificial Intelligence and science fiction.One...

Regarding the exhibition LUZAZ...

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Ágora Club. Fórum do Futuro.

As envisioned by Georges Didi-Huberman, the present contains part of the past and edifies a bridge towards the future. Recognizing this relationship and applying it analytically allows a greater clarity when looking into the present, at the most diverse levels. The possibility of rescuing cases, works,...

As envisioned by Georges Didi-...

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Não é ainda o mar, in Gaia

Não é ainda o mar is a polynucleated exhibition with a well-designed pathway along the city and Gaia. Through this concept, Óscar Faria establishes the curatorship not only of the exhibition itself, but also of the city, picking the places whose memory and spatiality add...

Não é ainda o mar is a polyn...

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First edition of RPMM, in Porto

Porto will set new grounds in its commitment with electronic music and modernity, through the newest festival RPMM. Two intense days of the best sounds of electronic, produced by well-known national and international producers and DJs.From 28 to 29 July – soon –, from 12...

Porto will set new grounds in ...

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Art shatters Porto’s everyday life

Contemporaneity has given more independence and autonomy to the creation of artistic projects and platforms. The bond between exhibitions and the institutional constraints of museums and galleries is no longer dominant, opening up space for dialogs between other venues and works of art. In this...

Contemporaneity has given more...

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