
Surface Disorder by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Electric Jungle Fever by Vivian Caccuri and As in heaven, so on earth by Rita Caldo at Galeria Municipal do Porto

(Português) Na Galeria Municipal do Porto, estão patentes três exposições: Superfície Desordem de Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Febre da Selva Elétrica de Vivian Caccuri e Assim no céu como na terra de Rita Caldo. Projetos expositivos que revelam um novo ciclo programático da instituição, através da...

(Português) Na Galeria Munici...

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MEL in the EARLYMADE Cedofeita space

It was on September 21, as part of the concurrent inaugurations of Quarteirão Cultural Miguel Bombarda/Porto Art District, that the MEL project was revealed. This is a collaborative effort between the Italian gallery Monitor and the Portuguese gallery Lehmann + Silva, which will spend a...

It was on September 21, as par...

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