
Cuban Posters of OSPAAAL 1960-1980, at ZDB

The current local election campaign prompts a period of reflection to reckon, among other things, the sort of image that parties and political candidates rely on to establish communication with citizens. Political billboards emerge one after the other, with worn-out slogans, a barely tolerable printing...

The current local election cam...

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Queer Lisbon ❤ Queer Oporto

The 21st edition of Queer Lisbon will begin on 15 September with a vast and diversified line-up and a special attention to the Taiwanese artist Shu Lea Cheang who will be honored in this edition, with special screenings and exhibitions at Cinema de São Jorge...

The 21st edition of Queer Lisb...

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X-Ray of a Photographic Practice

The exhibition Raio X de uma prática fotográfica (X-ray of a photographic practice) approaches the role of architectural photography and the way Fernando Guerra, founder of FG+SG, develops it. His studio, with around fifteen years of age, has followed the growing recognition of Portuguese architecture,...

The exhibition Raio X de uma p...

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Making sense of disperse assets

These last two or three decades city museums have occupied a major space among the museology debate. Archives, assets and estate are shown according to the identity of a place, as the remaining pieces of a collective memory. The Museum of Lisbon is one of...

These last two or three decade...

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Festival Múltiplo

It was once a charcoal and a tavern. Quite close to the House Museum of Amália Rodrigues and, yet, the artistic expressions exhibited at the number 432 of Rua de São Bento are much more stimulating and insightful. Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea has been giving...

It was once a charcoal and a t...

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The Sweet and Shy Madonna

Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (The National Museum of Ancient Art – MNAA) has been welcoming in recent times a series of temporary exhibitions celebrated through partnerships with foreign museums. It happened in the past with Prado Museum, which materialized the wonderful exhibition: Rubens, Brueghel,...

Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga ...

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