
Room with a view

Galeria Jeanne Bucher Jaeger will show until the of December, in Lisbon, the exhibition Room with a View, with works by Jorge Nesbitt.The works exhibited include those made in paper lithography, mostly in black and white, and they showcase Jorge Nesbitt’s literary interest in Gertrude...

Galeria Jeanne Bucher Jaeger w...

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The New Art Fest ’18

The New Art Fest begins today, a festival which tries to promote digital art in Portugal, while fomenting at the same time the connection between art, technology, urbanism and politics.Curated by António Cerveira Pinto, Brian Mackern, Gustavo Romano and Nilo Casares, the program offers several...

The New Art Fest begins today,...

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Quel Amour!?

Quel Amour!? An imperative question today. This exhibition presents multiple answers and, in many cases, more than an attempt to find answers, it raises and broadens several questions. For Clarice Lispector, love is eclectic. “The rare thing itself felt the warm chest of what can be named Love. (...

Quel Amour!? An imperative qu...

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I ▉▉▉▉, therefore I am.

I fuck, therefore I am.It's not love. It's not sex. It's not even copulation. It's fucking. As simple - and as truthful - as that.The affirmation of one's existence through fucking is the confirmation of our biology – which western cultures have gradually erased from...

I fuck, therefore I am. ...

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(Português) João Penalva, Stanley

João Penalva (1949) has a consistent body of work, endeavouring on memorabilia in an almost anthropological manner. There is a stubborn and thorough research methodology in João Penalva, with no stone left unturned: each show of his is a whole compendium, a unique realm between reality and fiction, empowering the visitor's...

João Penalva (1949) has a ...

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