
The Crystal Zoo

“People come here looking to see the patient. Like in a zoo. And they are stunned when they do not identify themselves in the middle of the coworking or when the artists are not even physically here, because they establish their own schedule. They are...

“People come here looking to...

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Lisbon Fashion Week in a plastic chair

I’ve been eager to see in first-hand the rush of the “assembling line” of each designer at Moda Lisboa, but the chance never came.The confusing first day, the beginning of that crowd of people to create a show… and me, there, in the middle, without...

I’ve been eager to see in fi...

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Filmica by Pat O Neill and Joana Pitta

Monitor, an exhibitive and self-assumed experimental space, a satellite in Lisbon of the renowned and homonymous Italian gallery (based in Rome), stands out yet again in the national context for the boldness of its programme. Filmica, on display until April 6, reinforces this position by...

Monitor, an exhibitive and sel...

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