
Middle Finger Pedestrians, by Gonçalo Preto

In the exhibition at Galeria Madragoa, Gonçalo Preto presents several almost pitch-black paintings that, with great subtlety, cut out the figures: bright points that illuminate the night of Middle Finger Pedestrians.The night is what hides part of the vaguely cinematographic images, decontextualizing them and preventing...

In the exhibition at Galeria M...

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Mirror, by Rui Sanches

In a partnership between Galerias Municipais and Museu Coleção Berardo, the work of Rui Sanches is presented in two interconnected exhibitions: one at Torreão Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional, curated by Delfim Sardo, and another at Museu Berardo, curated by Sara Antónia Matos.Rui Sanches is from...

In a partnership between Galer...

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Blind Sun, by Elisa Strinna

Fidelidade Arte (former Chiado 8) has always been a diversified curatorial project, focused on less known artists and with a conceptual approach. This was how Bruno Marchand’s curatorship was, inviting artists such as Armanda Duarte, João Penalva and Ricardo Jacinto, among others. And Delfim Sardo,...

Fidelidade Arte (former Chiado...

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Momentum – Inshadow Festival

There are artistic movements with enormous resilience that take place in various parts of the world and in our country as well. InShadow - Lisbon ScreenDance Festival has been taking place almost miraculously for about 11 years, through the persistence of Pedro Sena Nunes and...

There are artistic movements w...

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