
Not Down in any Map

The most extraordinary journey in the history of the arts took place in the imagination of a writer: at the age of 36, Jules Verne published Journey to the Centre of the Earth, without ever having visited the site of the story, Iceland. In relation...

The most extraordinary journey...

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No.One.Gives.A.Mosquito’s. Ass.About.Trabalho.De.Preto

A Nástio Mosquito's recipe“What was your last experience of 'black labour'?"The question is asked by Nástio Mosquito in his most recent exhibition No.One.Gives.A.Mosquito's.Ass.About.Trabalho.De.Preto, a collaborative and multidisciplinary project that gathers several individuals in the dissection and reframing of the expression “black labour”.The exhibition at Hangar,...

A Nástio Mosquito's recipe ...

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Rural Topographies

Galerias Municipais joined Diferença to celebrate the forty years of the cooperative, in an exhibition divided between the Quadrum gallery and the Diferença gallery, near Largo do Rato. This bipartite exhibition marks the beginning of Tobi Maier’s work as a curator at the Municipal Galleries,...

Galerias Municipais joined Dif...

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Mel da Senhora do Labirinto, by André Sier

The digital field is a labyrinth of texts, contexts, hypertexts, images and myths which construct and deconstruct fairly often, full of references, hyperlinks and different characters. It’s a labyrinth as dense as the labyrinth of the cosmos, as complex as the Daedalus labyrinth. Within this...

The digital field is a labyrin...

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Sonae Media Art 2019: Diogo Tudela

Diogo Tudela, finalist of this year´s Sonae Media Art Prize, spoke to Umbigo Magazine about his work Collisions & Render Engines currently on show at Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado.In Collisions & Render Engines Tudela seeks to discuss the intersections between media, entertainment and military complexes and the...

Diogo Tudela, finalist of this...

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