
MNAC’s diary on lockdown

The lockdown has been lifted but caution advises to remain at home. There’s progressively more movement outside and the cultural system is carefully opening its doors while struggling to absorb new forms of functioning with its cultural equipment.In this sense, even though the sense of...

The lockdown has been lifted b...

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Homemade Design — Teresa Milheiro

Em tempos de quarentena, os dias são de reflexão e as ideias surgem na contenção do tempo. Assim, a joalheira Teresa Milheiro, com colaboração de Luis Otero, Tiago Batista e fotos de Ana Direito, decidiu criar o projeto Instrumentos de distanciamento íntimo e social...

Em tempos de quarentena, os di...

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Monitor’s Viewing Room

The global crisis forced by the COVID-19 pandemic either pushed the markets for new commerce and marketing practices or forced them into a broader presence in the digital world. The art market is no exception, even though, in this case, some peculiarities must be addressed...

The global crisis forced by th...

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