
Rehearsal for a community at Central Tejo

In the spacious industrial spot of Central Tejo, we find an “exhibition-installation”1 on the EDP Foundation Portuguese Art Collection, whose chronology begins in the 1940s and lasts until today.The exhibition has hundreds of works in four thematic groups - work, sound, word and laziness. But...

In the spacious industrial spo...

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Susto é um Mundo by Vera Mantero

Susto é um Mundo is the new brainchild of choreographer and dancer Vera Mantero. This show premiered in November at Culturgest, within the Festival Alkantara. The artistic direction is by Vera Mantero, the co-creation by Henrique Furtado Vieira, the interpretation by Vera Mantero, Henrique Furtado...

Susto é um Mundo is the new b...

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