
Cold Sweat

To present the book Cold Sweat, Estonian artist Kadri Mälk was in Portugal on November 5, at Brotéria’s Sala dos Couros, invited by PIN - Portuguese Association for Contemporary Jewellery....

To present the book Cold Sweat...

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Terror and seduction by Teresa Milheiro

The irresistible allure of violence instigationGraceful and elegant objects, designed with a refined ergonomic sense, gently fierce. They are works of fine workmanship, created with rigorous care for the most subtle details, manipulating, shaping and joining shapes in glass, lacquered, chromed or brushed metals, and...

The irresistible allure of vio...

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Homemade Design — Teresa Milheiro

Em tempos de quarentena, os dias são de reflexão e as ideias surgem na contenção do tempo. Assim, a joalheira Teresa Milheiro, com colaboração de Luis Otero, Tiago Batista e fotos de Ana Direito, decidiu criar o projeto Instrumentos de distanciamento íntimo e social...

Em tempos de quarentena, os di...

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Homemade Design — Joana Mieiro

During quarantine, days are made for reflection and ideas are shaped by time. Thus, jeweller Joana Mieiro decided to create the project Lemon_Other lives or one life only: Of memories brought from long visited places, that have no use or specific goal with the inhabited...

During quarantine, days are ma...

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I International Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery

Until January 6, it is possible to visit some of the exhibitions of the I International Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery. Divided into several well-known spaces in the city, such as Museu de Tapeçaria, Convento de São Francisco/Fundação Robinson and Biblioteca Municipal, this exhibition presents pieces by...

Until January 6, it is possibl...

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Up Till Here

Galeria Reverso presents the collective exhibition of Portuguese contemporary jewellery Up Till Here, until 18 October.Up Till Here proposes a reflection on contemporary jewellery in Portugal. After celebrating its twentieth anniversary with several exhibitions and lectures (an annual project from 2018 where I collaborated), Reverso...

Galeria Reverso presents the c...

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Contemporary jewellery in Portugal

In the upcoming month of September, a noteworthy group of collectors and devotees of contemporary jewellery will be visiting Lisbon for the release of the first book on the history of contemporary jewellery in Portugal, an effort that is the outcome of a mid-career scholarship...

In the upcoming month of Septe...

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Wild at Heart

The pieces of Anna-Karin Karlsson are not for the faint of heart, but rather for “dancing hearts”. Put on heart shaped sunglasses 'cause we gonna take a ride, quoting Lana Del Rey. A two-stop trip or a short coffee break and a quick chat with...

The pieces of Anna-Karin Karls...

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