
Bienal’21 Fotografia do Porto

Bienal’21 Fotografia do Porto will have a new edition between May 14 and June 27, with 19 exhibitions planned in different locations around the city and on its online platform.The central theme is interconnectedness, interdependence or co-dependence; the way human and natural systems, in their...

Bienal’21 Fotografia do Port...

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Fábio Colaço, Portraits, at Galeria Nave

Ambiguity. Maybe that’s the key to Fábio Colaço’s work. A “key-mechanism” that gives access to several cognitive doors that display different looks. The potential analysis contained in the propositional simplicity is the major success of this approach to social, political and economic themes. In his...

Ambiguity. Maybe that’s the ...

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