
Synthetic reflexes

If the dawn of science is often regarded as the great thrust of modernity, the instruments it has spawned are the ones that have allowed us to test and manifest its precepts. Roger Bacon praised armillary spheres, magnets and narcotic cures in the thirteenth century...

If the dawn of science is ofte...

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Surface Disorder by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Electric Jungle Fever by Vivian Caccuri and As in heaven, so on earth by Rita Caldo at Galeria Municipal do Porto

(Português) Na Galeria Municipal do Porto, estão patentes três exposições: Superfície Desordem de Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Febre da Selva Elétrica de Vivian Caccuri e Assim no céu como na terra de Rita Caldo. Projetos expositivos que revelam um novo ciclo programático da instituição, através da...

(Português) Na Galeria Munici...

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A love-work for every year

Under the leadership of João Mourão and Luís Silva, Kunsthalle Lissabon is a unique embodiment of love's multiplicity. The gallery has been a space of experimentation, acceptance and cultural inclusion for more than a decade, providing a focal point for cross-border reflections and collaborations....

Under the leadership of João ...

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