
Brazilian modernism in exhibition

The Museu Coleção Berardo is currently showing the exhibition Modernismo Brasileiro na Coleção da Fundação Edson Queiroz [Brazilian Modernism at the Edson Queiroz Foundation’s Collection] which tries to discuss the evolution of Brazilian modern art through the twentieth century. In this sense, one may become...

The Museu Coleção Berardo is...

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Artissima 2017

Artissima is one of the most cherished art fairs in Europe a probably the main Italian destination for most contemporary art galleries, which since 1994 try to show their artists in this art market in Turin.This year the event will occur from 3 to 5...

Artissima is one of the most c...

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The several layers of Branca Cuvier

There’s an impressive amount of talent around Branca Cuvier. From her mother, the painter Joana Rosa, to her grandma, the plastic artist Helena Almeida, Branca comes from a family of artistic women and architectural men. The latter are the earth, the former the fire and...

There’s an impressive amount...

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New gallery UMA LULIK_

A new gallery is about to open in Alvalade on October 13th and, with that, the reassurance that Lisbon is now opening its doors to art and artistic production, aiming to amass new outlooks, horizons and some other forms to understand art and the world....

A new gallery is about to open...

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Uncertain times in video

All present agendas have their roots on more or less recent moments. All global convulsions that we’re facing today have their inception in past times. But the speed of global time has reached unproportioned acceleration that cannot be synchronized with a more personal time. In...

All present agendas have their...

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