
Uncertain times in video

All present agendas have their roots on more or less recent moments. All global convulsions that we’re facing today have their inception in past times. But the speed of global time has reached unproportioned acceleration that cannot be synchronized with a more personal time. In...

All present agendas have their...

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Documenta 14 Kassel – Kunststadt

Any Caucasian, heterosexual individual, living in a wealthy country, would feel their conscience hanging heavy when confronted with the proposals of Documenta 14. “This Documenta is not as ‘light’ as the previous, in which one could feel the grandeur and the glamour entangled in a...

Any Caucasian, heterosexual in...

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Cuban Posters of OSPAAAL 1960-1980, at ZDB

The current local election campaign prompts a period of reflection to reckon, among other things, the sort of image that parties and political candidates rely on to establish communication with citizens. Political billboards emerge one after the other, with worn-out slogans, a barely tolerable printing...

The current local election cam...

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Making sense of disperse assets

These last two or three decades city museums have occupied a major space among the museology debate. Archives, assets and estate are shown according to the identity of a place, as the remaining pieces of a collective memory. The Museum of Lisbon is one of...

These last two or three decade...

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Azores Burning Summer 2017

There’s something about Azores that welcomes deep insight. The loneliness and the omnipresence of elements in everyday tasks gives a mystic aura to this archipelago’s places. The clouds are always present, the wind and humidity too; the green color scatters through vast vales with the...

There’s something about Azor...

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Waking Life

If going to the village of Crato doesn’t amount to anything more than music shows that would already make little or no sense in the last decade of the past century, then forget it, this festival is not for you, nor the GPS will help...

If going to the village of Cra...

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