
Returning to Arquipélago

Returning to the Azores is something equally natural and mandatory, once you are acquainted with the island. I have already written (Umbigo # 65) that there is something in that atmosphere that makes us get attached to it. More: it shakes our core. Of paramount...

Returning to the Azores is som...

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The Outcast manufacturers, by Andreia Santana

Andreia Santana presents, at Galeria Filomena Soares, The Outcast manufacturers, an exhibition that gathers a group of iron sculptures made by the artist.Curved rods with sinuous filaments are contorted and evolve throughout the gallery, constituting linear structures in black and summoning the essential element of...

Andreia Santana presents, at G...

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Valter Ventura at Kubikgallery

Aim, shoot, capture, take. Words with a double meaning that are related to two seemingly different universes but whose movements and actions, when seen, are formidably similar. Hunting and photography share the same lexicon which flows into two different discourses. As Wittgenstein noted, there are...

Aim, shoot, capture, take. Wor...

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(Português) Claire de Santa Coloma, Chuva

Sculpture materializes the artist's thinking through a handmade effort. It is a deeply physical form of art and the one who exercises it has to have much more than just an idea’s conception and projection. Chuva, currently on exhibition at Appleton Associação Cultural, is an installation made of pieces...

Sculpture materializes the art...

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