
Take Ten, by Hugo Brazão

The Las Palmas Project has probably been one of the spaces that has mostly welcomed some of the boldest exhibitions and projects in Lisbon, not only for the artists it has exhibited but also for the spatial and architectural characteristics of the space. The easily...

The Las Palmas Project has pro...

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Mãos Negativas, Gruta and Achados

An exhibition trilogy that questions yet another trilogy: Art, Audience and GalleryMarguerite Dura’s poem Negative Hands entitles the collective exhibition of Hugo Canoilas, Vasco Costa and Filipe Feijão, at Galeria Quadrado Azul, in Alvalade, Lisbon. This exhibition intends to introduce the collective artistic project dubbed...

An exhibition trilogy that que...

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Returning to Arquipélago

Returning to the Azores is something equally natural and mandatory, once you are acquainted with the island. I have already written (Umbigo # 65) that there is something in that atmosphere that makes us get attached to it. More: it shakes our core. Of paramount...

Returning to the Azores is som...

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