
Jimmie Durham: Do you say I’m lying?

“Of course not, we have never lied to each other; when it’s necessary we just use words that lie for us”. José Saramago  Presented as the second stage of the long-term project entitled Chain Reaction, this exhibition is based on a previous exhibition, Brief History of Portugal, that...

“Of course not, we have neve...

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Master Baker, by Ana Fonseca

Ana Fonseca opens next 8 August, 6:30 pm, at Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbon, the exhibition Master Baker, a humorous and ironic portrait of modern society’s day-to-day contradictions.By resorting to the codes and symbols of fitness culture, crossing them with the overpowering appetites of...

Ana Fonseca opens next 8 Augus...

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Quantum Creole, by Filipa César

Quantum Creole, exhibited at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum – Project Space until 2 September, is the result of a long research process (approximately ten years) conducted by Filipa César in Guinea-Bissau, translated into other projects such as Spell Reel (2017), the first feature film by...

Quantum Creole, exhibited at t...

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Umbigo at the 8th edition of N’GOLÁ

The 8th Biennial of Arts and Culture N’GOLÁ, in São Tomé e Príncipe, is a project that draws from entanglement of the art and the visual and urban cultures of Africa. In this sense, even though the insularity of the event and organization, the N’GOLÁ...

The 8th Biennial of Arts and C...

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Voyage to the Beginning and Back

The 30th anniversary of the Serralves Collection as part of the Portuguese Contemporary Art Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art is celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of its collection, one of Portugal’s largest and most important. It gathers a wide array of works, more than 4300, over 1700...

The 30th anniversary of the Se...

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