
Transmetatlanticus: Oca International Artist Residency

The EMERGE Associação Cultural and Casa Niemeyer – University of Brasília are getting together for online art project Transmetatlanticus: Hollow International Artist Residency, between September 21 and 25.Transmetatlanticus is curated by Ana Avelar, Heloísa Vivanco and Jorge Reis, exploring the digital fields of creation, the...

The EMERGE Associação Cultur...

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maat is reopening

maat is reopening tomorrow, 10 July, in a happy coincidence with the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities. After being closed for several months due to the pandemic, maat is now presenting a renewed programme and image, with new ambitions and visions for...

maat is reopening tomorrow, 10...

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MNAC’s diary on lockdown

The lockdown has been lifted but caution advises to remain at home. There’s progressively more movement outside and the cultural system is carefully opening its doors while struggling to absorb new forms of functioning with its cultural equipment.In this sense, even though the sense of...

The lockdown has been lifted b...

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