
Penelope Curtis

Photos: Nuno Gervásio.The present-day director of Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Penelope Curtis, arrived in Lisbon in 2015, after spending five years in charge of London’s Tate Britain. This interview, in a natural way, focused itself on museums and on the institution that she’s currently leading, but...

Photos: Nuno Gervásio.The...

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O Olhar da Sibila at Museu do Oriente

Photos: Nuno Vieira /Fundação Oriente.The exhibition O Olhar da Sibila - Corporalidade e Transfiguração is based on the concept of metamorphosis developed by Ovid: bodies transmute themselves into things, things into animals, animals into being; the perennial transformation of the cosmos, from its dawn to its...

Photos: Nuno Vieira /Fundaçã...

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How can we make a distinction between art and design without labels? This is an important question for the recent international jewelry, taking into account that they coexist. In other words, they are contemporary to each other.Both are often presented side by side in exhibitions,...

How can we make a distinction ...

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Carpe Diem Art and Search

"The palace is the ‘senior curator’ and the curators and the resident artists are its assistants"I always was a frequent visitor of Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa (CDAP). In each new exhibition, the thrill of looking and thinking about the proposal of those artists who,...

"The palace is the ‘senior c...

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