
Lucia Massei: the poetics of color

Lucia Massei is a master of textures and contrasts. Necklaces, bracelets and brooches come together for the poetics of colour. It is a work that emphasizes wealth based on varied and expressive colours. The shapes are abstract, with pieces almost always in gold. She relies...

Lucia Massei is a master of te...

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Tribute Exhibition to Vico Magistretti

Within the scope of the Italian Design Day, Portugal welcomes, until 26 March, first in Lisbon, and then in Oporto, the traveling exhibition Svicolando, Homenagem a Vico Magistretti.  With the architect Nadir Bonaccorso as curator, the exhibition was first held at Centro Cultural de Belém,...

Within the scope of the Italia...

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Tremor Festival 2018

The Tremor festival returns to the island of São Miguel, between 20 and 24 March.This 5th edition has a wide program, which includes more than 40 music shows, approximately 10 artistic residencies, cycles of talks conducted by The Creative Independent platform, and several parallel activities,...

The Tremor festival returns to...

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Capital images

Image:The neoliberal man is on the run. The neoliberal man jogs, does CrossFit, dresses clean and tidy, has studied in the best universities and was an intern in the best financial business centres of the world. With suit and tie, trendy lines, he is subservient to the big...

Image:The neoliberal man i...

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Brussels with Fernand Léger

Inaugurated on 9 February, at BOZAR (Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels), an anthological exhibition of the French Fernand Léger (1881-1955), whose artistic path is intertwined with Art History of the first half of the 20th century.The exhibition is structured upon 10 nucleuses, scattered throughout the majestic Art Deco...

Inaugurated on 9 February, at ...

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Giacometti’s ordinariness

Final PortraitDirected by Stanley TucciWith Geoffrey Rush, Armie Hammer and Clémence Poésy Paris, 1964. After interviewing painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti (Geoffrey Rush) for several times, journalist James Lord (Armie Hammer) becomes his friend and is invited to pose for a portrait. What should take only...

Final PortraitDirected by ...

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