
Filipe Cortez

Filipe Cortez is an artist whose plastic abilities are unusual and unique. The reinterpretation of the canvases and the plethora of material that he uses implies a boundless, enlarged and plural understating of the artistic creation. He explores the fields of painting, drawing, sculpture and, especially, installation, through experimental forms before...

Filipe Cortez is an artist wh...

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JustLX 2018, at Museu da Carris

Art fairs are ruled by specific, mostly inscrutable criteria and surely inaccessible to the majority of people. The rules to that selection are frequently shadowed and unrevealed in press notes or regulations, even though a greater transparency has been pursued lately. There’s no better nor...

Art fairs are ruled by specifi...

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FEA Lisboa 2018

Contemporary art has made its most acute path outside the big institutions. Independent movements and initiatives were of the utmost importance in the development of the artists’ works, but, above all, in the affirmation of the critic verve inherent to those works: the critic of...

Contemporary art has made its ...

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