
Remain Alert and Have a Safe Day

The subway stations of big cities are the biggest and most authentic anthropological, sociological and performative laboratories of modernity. Places of passage, places of diverse fluxes, the subway synthetises the urban experience in what it has of solitary, aggregative, frenetic, delirious and ambiguous. (Even its...

The subway stations of big cit...

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Estudos do Labirinto

Estudos do Labirinto (Labyrinth-Studien) is a four-point composite installation. Casinfância, more specifically Cláudia Ramos, the project’s curator, invited eight artists to create pieces for four museological spaces in Belém-Lisboa, in an artistic residence, to edify an intrinsic relationship between “the art of today”, the so-called...

Estudos do Labirinto (Labyrint...

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Carlos Mensil

A solo exhibition born out of nothingness was inaugurated on June 9 at Galeria Presença. Carlos Mensil thinks about the future to develop a work which frees himself from the present-day moment, something which contemporary creators are often shackled to.The artist believes that belonging to a particular culture and society does not constitute an...

A solo exhibition born out of ...

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