
Velvetnirvana at the Pavilhão Branco

Blasting through the speakers, Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols, an iconic English punk and alternative rock band that lived between 1976-78. After the Sex Pistols, Sparks, New Order, Talking Heads, Television, Patti Smith, among many others, appeared. An endless playlist following us...

Blasting through the speakers,...

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Cápsula by Pedro Henriques

The exhibition Cápsula by Pedro Henriques is in Coimbra, at Centro de Artes Visuais - CAV, until September 13. Curated by Ana Anacleto, is a selection of the artist's works created in the last five years on concepts such as abstraction and ambiguity, recurrent topics...

The exhibition Cápsula by Ped...

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The Opening Response: Yates Norton

The Opening Response titles a special series of interviews with artists, curators, writers, composers, mediators, and space-makers around the world. Dialoguing within and around the thematics which have rapidly emerged as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, we offer within this frame a differentiated, honest,...

The Opening Response titles a ...

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Interviewing IVO

IVO was born in Lisbon in 1959. Between 1981 and 1986 he obtained a degree in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon and began to exhibit his work.During his artistic training, he also attended a Painting course at the...

IVO was born in Lisbon in 1959...

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Enrico Garzaro

In a world accustomed to innovation and constant technological breakthroughs, it is rare to find someone who chooses to “take matters into their own hands”. Especially when this manufacturing involves chemical and physical processes, patience and dedication, when this craft side becomes the artistic work...

In a world accustomed to innov...

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Discurso de Decolonialidade

Discurso de Decolonialidade has works by 15 artists from 8 countries – South Africa, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Diaspora. Graça Rodrigues and Sónia Ribeiro are the curators. This exhibition explores some of the most...

Discurso de Decolonialidade ha...

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