
Echoes from a Liquid Memory, by Carincur

After the single entitled Reminiscência, released by ZABRA, a multidisciplinary label focused on experimental electronic music, Carincur presented in the creative venue Desvio (Lisbon) Echoes from a Liquid Memory, a performance based on audiovisual experimentation. Inês Cardoso defines herself as an inter-multi-trans-antidisciplinary artist. Her artistic...

After the single entitled Remi...

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Fake Sun, Fake Eyes, by Elisa Pône

Galeria Quadrum possesses a unique architecture. The two large parallel walls are covered in glass, creating a kind of aquarium that contacts with the outside. Elisa Pône, in Fake Sun, Fake Eyes, proposes an original work, cantered on the physical qualities of the gallery –...

Galeria Quadrum possesses a un...

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Contracto Natural, at Saco Azul

Contracto Natural [Natural Contract], curated by Bruno Leitão/HANGAR, Galeria Saco Azul – Associação Maus Hábitos (Oporto) until December 30, 2020, puts the work of six artists in dialogue. Each artistic practice stems from premises related to extractivism, the ecosystem that sustains us and our model...

Contracto Natural [Natural Con...

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The Opening Response: Chto Delat

The Opening Response titles a special series of interviews with artists, curators, writers, composers, mediators, and space-makers around the world. Dialoguing within and around the thematics which have rapidly emerged as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, we offer within this frame a differentiated, honest, and...

The Opening Response titles a...

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