
Remain Alert and Have a Safe Day

The subway stations of big cities are the biggest and most authentic anthropological, sociological and performative laboratories of modernity. Places of passage, places of diverse fluxes, the subway synthetises the urban experience in what it has of solitary, aggregative, frenetic, delirious and ambiguous. (Even its...

The subway stations of big cit...

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After the image and the word, the music

João Louro is an artist whose work feeds off signs and meanings and what lies between the image and the word. The definition of both is variable, interchangeable, resulting in deviations, errors or redefinitions from a conceptual and plastic standpoint. A word in a dictionary...

João Louro is an artist whose...

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Et Cetera Festival, in Faro

The Et Cetera Festival opens its doors to three continuous days of music, art and other events that promote several creative expressions. The dynamics obey to the contemporary cultures of electro, light and experimentation, with an array of concerts and an exhibition in the city...

The Et Cetera Festival opens i...

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New cultural events in Évora

Let us forget the centralism of Lisbon or Porto. Let us forget the recurrent idea that Portugal is a mere coast line. Let us remember of other centres, other programs, other communities. Let us remember of other institutions, art museums, art events that are displayed...

Let us forget the centralism o...

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After JustLX 2018

JustLX 2018 has ended and it is time now for an audit, even if prematurely. Either way, and according to the organization, the art fair had a positive outcome, with the galleries declaring a “pleasant” number of sales.At the extreme side of ARCOlisboa, this was...

JustLX 2018 has ended and it i...

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