
Art shatters Porto’s everyday life

Contemporaneity has given more independence and autonomy to the creation of artistic projects and platforms. The bond between exhibitions and the institutional constraints of museums and galleries is no longer dominant, opening up space for dialogs between other venues and works of art. In this...

Contemporaneity has given more...

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8th Edition of Jardins Efémeros

The Jardins Efémeros project is about to reach its eighth edition, an example of resilience in the contemporary art of Viseu. Over the years, this project/platform has tried to solidify relations between artists, curators, researchers and citizens, using at the same time the city’s iconic spaces...

The Jardins Efémeros project ...

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Remain Alert and Have a Safe Day

The subway stations of big cities are the biggest and most authentic anthropological, sociological and performative laboratories of modernity. Places of passage, places of diverse fluxes, the subway synthetises the urban experience in what it has of solitary, aggregative, frenetic, delirious and ambiguous. (Even its...

The subway stations of big cit...

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