
Contra-parede: construction and protest

By default, the wall is the exhibition structure of art. But it is also the place where political struggle, resistance and transgression take place, vertical plane chosen by the one and the many as the canvas to express their discontent and desires. It’s for posters,...

By default, the wall is the ex...

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Terror and seduction by Teresa Milheiro

The irresistible allure of violence instigationGraceful and elegant objects, designed with a refined ergonomic sense, gently fierce. They are works of fine workmanship, created with rigorous care for the most subtle details, manipulating, shaping and joining shapes in glass, lacquered, chromed or brushed metals, and...

The irresistible allure of vio...

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The Sun Also Rises: Adrien Vescovi, Antoine Langenieux-Villard, Bertrand Fournier, Charles Benjamin, Fran Van Coppenolle, Julien Saudubray, Mirco Marchelli, Natacha Mankowski, Sérgio Fernandes, Taylor Anton White and Xolo Cuintle at Everyday Gallery

The Sun Also Rises emerge in anticipation of summer, in the hope of the warmth, the revelry and the pleasure that follows spring. It is therefore an exhibition that reactivates the senses, while recalling the indolence of hot days and the pleasure of a quiet...

The Sun Also Rises emerge in a...

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