
Rural Topographies

Galerias Municipais joined Diferença to celebrate the forty years of the cooperative, in an exhibition divided between the Quadrum gallery and the Diferença gallery, near Largo do Rato. This bipartite exhibition marks the beginning of Tobi Maier’s work as a curator at the Municipal Galleries,...

Galerias Municipais joined Dif...

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Mirror, by Rui Sanches

In a partnership between Galerias Municipais and Museu Coleção Berardo, the work of Rui Sanches is presented in two interconnected exhibitions: one at Torreão Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional, curated by Delfim Sardo, and another at Museu Berardo, curated by Sara Antónia Matos.Rui Sanches is from...

In a partnership between Galer...

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Your Money and Your Life, by Claire Fontaine

Claire Fontaine’s work (a Paris-based collective, founded in 2004) displays an absolute contempt for the art’s Apollonian. The importance of the conceptual annihilates any plastic concern: the pieces don’t emanate any classical proportion, nor the modern spatial layout. Even in the two-dimensional pieces found in...

Claire Fontaine’s work (a Pa...

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Fiction and Fabrication, at MAAT

Fiction and Fabrication. Photography of Architecture after the Digital Turn is an exhibition assembled by Pedro Gadanho and Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues, whose leitmotif is the evocation of Photoshop’s thirtieth anniversary and the consequent banalization of digital tools in photography, it is found at MAAT’s Main...

Fiction and Fabrication. Photo...

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