

In 2023, fifty-five years will have passed since the PhD study that the then young anthropologist José Cutileiro finished at Oxford and published in England in 1971 under the title A Portuguese Rural Society (Clarendon Press). Illustrated with photographs by Gérard Castelo-Lopes and João Cutileiro...

In 2023, fifty-five years will...

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Playing in your backyard

There is something joyful about reuniting people with their places. Even if a man disappears - either because he dies or goes away -, even if places fall apart (even more than we are used to accepting; we will still say "That place will always...

There is something joyful abou...

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The color is powerful: yellow, even if in an apparently inconspicuous detail, dominates an atmosphere and propagates into the sensations of contact with art. (It can even be, Proust’s narrative suggests, fatal.) It symbolizes the challenge and the acceptance of the game – the same...

The color is powerful: yellow,...

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