
Benefit auction: artists for the climate

Artists came together to support the climate cause and call for environmental activism, donating works whose sales at auction will cover the legal costs associated with defending several activists.

At stake are the legal charges and fines associated with social demonstrations for the climate emergency, which currently make up, and in the case of the Climáximo organization, around 30 cases in court, with costs of around 100 thousand euros.

The list of visual artists is still open, but declaring their support for this initiative are Alexandre Conefrey, Alice Geirinhas, Ana Caria Pereira, André Príncipe, Atelier Corvo, Carlos No, Cláudio Melo, Diana Policarpo, Duarte Amaral Netto, Edgar Massul, Fernando Travassos, Horácio Frutuoso, Ilda David, Joana da Conceição, João Fonte Santa, João Jacinto, João Maria Gusmão, João Paulo Serafim, Jorge Feijão, José Luís Neto, José Pedro Cortes, José Smith Vargas, Luciana Fina, Luís Henriques, Mantraste, Manuel Gantes, Manuel Queiró, Manuel Rosa, Maria Capelo, Mariana Gomes, Oficina Arara, Paulo Nozolino, Pedro Barateiro, Pedro Costa, Pedro Paiva, Pedro Tropa, Pedro Valdez Cardoso, Pedro Vaz, Rodrigo Tavarela Peixoto, Rui Chafes, Rui Moreira, Sara & André, Sara Mealha, Sofia Silva, Tomás Cunha Ferreira, Valter Ventura, Valter Vinagre, Vasco Barata, Xavier Almeida.

The auction will occur on November 3rd, between 4 and 9 pm, at Padaria do Povo, in Lisbon.

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