
Book launching “Transversal Talks with Yuri Firmeza” and lecture Image and Writing Laboratory

On October 15, at 5 pm, NowHere will host the book launch, Transversal Talks with Yuri Firmeza, with the participation of the artist and Felipe Ribeiro – one of the authors featured in this book.

Edited by Cecília Bedê, Transversal Talks is a compilation of essays and dialogues on Firmeza’s work, a “restless and polysemic” artist working on the questions of interdisciplinarity and the notions of community.

The launch will also serve as a starting point for a short term lecture by the artist, following the conceptual framework of an Image and Writing Laboratory. In three days, Firmeza will stimulate the debate and discussion regarding images, both from the point of view of creative writing and the production of images.

The lecture will happen on October 21 and 22 from 7 pm to 9 pm, and on October 23 from 3 pm to 5 pm. The admission fee is 80€ with two full grants for immigrants. The maximum of admissions is 12 people and they should be communicated to

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