
Centro Mutável — with Ana Cardoso, Armanda Duarte, Belén Uriel, Guarda Rios, Inês Teles, Os Espacialistas and Ricardo Jacinto

Centro Mutável project, presented earlier this month and having been inaugurated today, wants to bring together audiences, artists and thinkers, in a cycle of workshops, talks, performances and exhibition in 2021 and 2022 between Montemor-o-Novo and Lisbon.

Artists and other guests think together about the centres that guide the individual and collective experiences, in a multidisciplinary project to explore different dimensions – for example, the microscopic or the architectural ones – from the proposals of the seven invited artists: Ana Cardoso, Armanda Duarte, Belén Uriel, Guarda Rios, Inês Teles, Os Espacialistas and Ricardo Jacinto.

Between May and October, the artists will work on these concepts in workshops, using the spaces and resources of Oficinas do Convento and Vicarte, sharing their creative process with the participants, to address and expand the central theme of this project – a changing idea of centre, which can be observed from numerous critical and conceptual perspectives and points of view.

Project curators João Rolaça and Margarida Alves, artists and researchers, PhD students in Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, combine the project’s programme with the approaches of the artists and other guests to reflect on the centrality of the artistic and scientific thought and object; its possibility of transmutation between urban and rural, physical and immaterial centres and the vast sharing of visions and experiences among all those involved.

It is a curatorial project focused on the sharing of procedural, creative and reflective dynamics in opposition to the final and expository object, through the possibilities that the city and landscape of Montemor-o-Novo can provide.

The workshops take place in Montemor-o-Novo between May and October 2021, designed to allow different experiences in time and space: with explorations in the city, visits to the Almansor river, routes and observations from the castle, as well as other experiences and investigations that combine technical aspects and conceptual issues.

On 6 November 2021, there will be conversas à volta do centro, with seven speakers from several scientific and artistic fields – astrophysics, philosophy, dance, cultural programming, architecture, curatorship and photography – to combine the approaches made throughout the year with their reflections and methods of research and thinking.

In this context, the exhibition with the works developed by the workshop participants will be presented, as well as performances and site-specific installations, in a day full of conversations, experiences, plus a lunch for all made with local products from the Alentejo.

The project Centro Mutável is a coproduction by Oficinas do Convento – Associação Cultural de Arte e Comunicação, Vicarte – Vidro e Cerâmica para Artes e Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, having as well the support of the Montemor-o-Novo City Hall.

Check here the programme of Centro Mutável, which starts today between 2 pm and 4 pm with Ana Cardoso’s online session.

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