Mercado P’LA ARTE — a new art fair
Mercado P’LA ARTE is an innovative art fair whose base proposition is not about speculating on the financial value of the arts nor the profit for its organisers. There’s no mediation, galleries or gallerists; no curators, marketers or marketing. The base proposition is, thus, connecting the artist to the buyer without fees or revenues from the sold artworks. After a tragic year for artists, who saw their incomes drastically reduced, this constitutes a chance to mitigate some of the losses.
More than thirty artists will have a space of about 10sqm in a parking lot under construction, and an open-call is happening until next 19 April for applications and the opportunity to be featured in this market, which wants to have a more collaborative, informal and alternative approach, and constitutes, without a doubt, a chance to rethink old business models. Those interested must fill this form.
Mercado P’LA ARTE opens on May 8, at Prata Riverside Village, Braço de Prata, Lisbon, with a monthly periodicity, from 10h to 18h, on the first Saturdays of each month. There is also a space allocated to Artist Editions, independent publications and diverse programmes and events.
This is an initiative of the non-profit civic platform P’LA ARTE and VIC Properties, a company focused on Portuguese real estate.