International Conference Art, Museums and Digital Cultures
After the first presentation in October 2020, when the world was growing weary of the problems caused by the pandemic and the ever-presence of the digital realm, the cluster Art, Museums and Digital Cultures is now organising the first international conference about art, curatorship, museums and artist during the so-called “digital transformation”.
The programme is vast and so are the debates – from the artistic production to the online exhibitions; from the politics of online participation and inclusion to the role of museums in the postdigital era; from e-learning to science; from interaction to the archive, conservation and preservation of collections; from experimentation to the ubiquitous algorithm.
From the cast of keynote speakers we highlight the artist and researcher Anna Ridler; the Digital Cultures professor at the Zurich University of the Arts, Felix Stalder; and Ross Parry and Vince Dziekan, authors and editors of the book Critical Perspectives on Museums and Digital Technology.
The conference is taking place online from 22 to 23 April, with a prior registration until next 16 April, and is partnership between Museu de Arte, Arquitectura e Tecnologia (MAAT), Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Fundação Millennium bcp, Umbigo and Instituto Superior Técnico.