
5 Cultural Suggestions: Brotéria

Twice a month, UMBIGO invites one person to share their 5 cultural suggestions. What can we do at home? From a book to a podcast, album or film: here are recommendations from artists, curators, gallery owners, cultural activists, friends.

We will share the recipe for what makes us better, and we remain united and positive.



Stabat Mater
Interpreted by David Bobée and Caroline Mutel

David Bobée and Caroline Mutel revisit the classic Italian Baroque piece. Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater is appropriated here by a contemporary language. The staging of Mary’s pain at the cross is updated in the new spheres of suffering; and confronts us with the systemic problem of forced migration.


A Message to Young People from Andrei Tarkovsky
in Andrei Tarkovsky: A Poet In the Cinema
Donatella Baglivo

We leave here a short excerpt from the documentary Andrei Tarkovsky: A Poet In the Cinema. This work directed in 1983 by Donatella Baglivo – available entirely on YouTube – shows the nature that preceded Tarkovsky’s cinema: the contemplation and the spiritual search that informed his work.


Gaël Giraud: Chaos économique, blanchiment bancaire?

Thinker View is an independent platform of knowledge producers. It differs from the vast majority of think-tanks, as it has no party commitments nor political agendas. They try to test ideas, detect the flaws and the limits of speeches, listen little-publicized points of view to broaden our reading perspectives. The topics are dealt with acutely in order to make us understand all the complexity of current and future issues in our world.

On September 25, 2020, they broadcast a program about economic chaos in the time we are experiencing…

Tv Show

Jane Goodall, Writer and Ethologist
in Of Beauty and Consolation
Wim Kayzer

Dutch director Wim Kayzer invited 26 scientists, writers, philosophers, musicians and artists of various nationalities to a conversation around Beauty and Consolation. At the end of the series, he brought all the guests together. In this episode, Jane Goodall narrates stories that awaken her to a logic of deep relationship with nature.


Alberto Carneiro: o trabalho do campo como trabalho de campo
Catarina Rosendo

This class was promoted in the context of the exhibition Tantas vezes digo ao orvalho sou como tu, that featured pieces by Alberto Carneiro, Sérgio Carronha, Rita RA and Baralho held at the Brotéria gallery. Art historian and teacher Catarina Rosendo accurately shows the importance of some less explored works by Alberto Carneiro, in particular the place of the series of photographic records, where the body and the action still inform the disciplinary limits of the visual arts today. [In Portuguese only.]


Brotéria is a house of culture by the Portuguese Jesuits in Bairro Alto, open to meet the city. We explore current urban concerns from multiple angles and languages, in a rigorous and profound way: in conversations, exhibitions, articles, performances, seminars and workshops.

We generate and welcome artistic, investigative, discursive, communicative and spiritual programming. We are a dialogue with many voices; a research library; a magazine as a thought network; a coffee as a meeting place; a bookstore as a gateway; a gallery as a form of expression; an attentive house where there is room for spontaneity and discussion.

With a 120-year history as an uninterrupted monthly publication, we now seek to broaden the reflection that we do and the community that we are.

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