Fábio Colaço and Urbano at Abreu Advogados
The partnership between Abreu Advogados and Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa is gathering the artists Fábio Colaço and Urbano for a new exhibition.
Even though being two separate shows, it is curious how both, indirectly, can be seen under the scope of the ambiguities derived from human action.
If in Urbano it is the forest and its destruction which are on analysis, due to the multiple wildfires consuming acres without end of natural habitats because of human greed; in Fábio it is the money as the maximum and totemic symbol of a civilization whose language and behaviour revolves around it.
In As Flores e as Cinzas destruction is a lens that amplifies the way how humankind deals with the exploration of forests, with no sense of solidarity among species. But then comes regeneration and with it the hypothesis of hope.
I turn, in Colaço’s work, the plasticity of art gives place to the plastic symbol of money, which deviated all the political and existential universal discourse. It is, as the artist affirms, the “tyranny of money”, one that undermines and instils dangerous and seducing desires.
Their work in on show at the headquarters of Abreu Advogados until 29 January and this is now the fifth exhibition under the umbrella of the Cultural Project of Abreu Advogados.