
maat extended is now online

The entrance of Beatrice Leanza in the new direction of maat has brought a number of changes to the main programme of the museum.

After the announcement and the opening of the exhibitions by the So-Il architecture studio and The Peepshow, it became obvious the ambition of this director with a series of debates, conversations and side programmes that try to bring closer publics and museum.

maat extended is another of said programmes, an editorial project which tries to expand the exhibited contents, build bridges and new ways for compromises, while drawing a curatorial line on its own between exclusive images, videos and texts. This is, thus, a hybrid, hypertextual platform, with lots of texts, interviews, photographic essays and transcriptions drawn from side events or publications.

Umbigo highlights the Beatrice Leanza’s essay titled Of Institutional Obsolescence, which signals the basis of her mission at maat; the conversation with Dani Admiss in Mapping is Caring; the interview with Marta Lança about the BUALA project in The BUALA Archive and Other Gestures of Freedom; a talk with Gonçalo F. Cardoso and Matilde Neves in Give me whatever you feel this inspires you to…; or a text by Emily Butler on Gabriel Abrantes’ exhibition.

maat extended is now online and will feature regular updates with contents managed by maat’s collaborators and programmers.

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