Dissonances at the National Museum of Contemporary Art – Museu do Chiado
On September 30th, the exhibition Dissonances will open at the National Museum of Contemporary Art – Museu do Chiado (MNAC), with a curatorship by Adelaide Ginga and Emília Tavares.
Dissonances shows the newest acquisitions and donations made in the last ten years, in a group of artists mainly Portuguese and which artistic activity goes from the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century.
The selection of 87 works, from 45 artists, show the museum’s effort in expanding the collection of modern and contemporary art, but above all underlines the donors’ generosity in giving to public works of extraordinary relevance within the scope of the Portuguese arts in a diverse array of techniques and representations.
From 30 September to 15 November, Dissonances, at MNAC, with works by Ana Pérez-Quiroga, Ana Vidigal, André Cepêda, António Olaio, Arnaldo Fonseca, Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas, Augusto Alves da Silva, Carlos Noronha Feio, Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, Cristina Ataíde, Ernesto de Sousa, Gérard Castello-Lopes, Hein Semke, Henrique Vieira Ribeiro, Hugo Canoilas, Inês Norton, João Cristino da Silva, João Francisco Camacho, João Moniz Pereira, João Pedro Vale, Jorge Barradas, Jorge Molder, Jorge Oliveira, Jorge Pinheiro, Jorge Silva Araújo, José A Marco Godinho, José Luís Neto, José Maçãs de Carvalho, José Pedro Cortes, Júlia Ventura, Manuel Botelho, Márcio Vilela, Maria Barreira, Maria Gabriel, Mário Cesariny, Miguel Soares, Mónica de Miranda, Nuno Calvet, Nuno San Payo, Pedro Portugal, René Bértholo, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rolando Sá Nogueira, Sara e André, and Víctor Pires Vieira.