Fundação D. Luís I online programme
During the self-imposed or the mandatory lockdown due to this pandemic that is insidiously propagating itself without restraint, the contact with the arts and the ideas’ world demands new forms of mediation and access. The digital has, thus, become the predominant way of engaging with museums, galleries, and cultural institutions, as a way of creating proximities and promoting thoughtfulness, education, and cultural and political debates.
From Cascais, a whole set of initiatives are being pursued by Fundação D. Luís I and the Museum Quarter, both which have adapted some of their programmes and already opened exhibitions to the online. Through the YouTube and virtual tours, the spectator may have access to the exhibitions Democratic Painting, Luísa e Manuel Pedroso de Lima Collection – with a guided tour and a 3D visit – and Paula Rego: Drawing, Enacting, Painting.
Simultaneously, the Foundation’s YouTube channel has been uploading an assorted series of videos, from photography to art, from poetry to music, capable of entertaining and offering several minutes for reflection and leisure. Between Cascais Cultural Center and Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, one must stress, Cascais has plenty of cultural activities to offer, having received, in fact, the award Prémio Cinco Estrelas Região 2020, with the Museum Quarter.
Fundação D. Luís I is also making available its online library, with almost one hundred volumes dedicated to art and exhibitions that took place in it, all capable of drawing a lucid profile of the photography and contemporary and modern art made in Portugal.