
Art in Quarantine — Pedro Tudela

UMBIGO invited several artists to reflect on the era we are living in and to think about their artistic production in quarantine times.

Project by the artist Pedro Tudela.

Pedro Tudela, Stay Away From Lonely Places, 2020. Sound piece (+booklet)

Based on the current sense of enclosure, the sound piece (+booklet) Stay Away From Lonely Places by artist Pedro Tudela reflects and interlinks the “dramatic” context of the important obligation to stay still with the anxiety and willingness to reject it. The inhibition of the place with the “option” of the warning!

The core structure crosses several resonances and develops longitudinally in the repetition/persistence of a fragment of Stay (1972) by Pink Floyd, with the atonal environment thickened by other samples, where the word “stay” is said and prophesized in several songs. In these choices, the fragments were “deformed” and used more linearly (without losing parity). On the one hand, we recognize and discover what is stated; on the other hand, we dive into an atmosphere of more atonal tension.

The artist advises using headphones so that the piece is heard in stereo, which enhances the perception of the duration/progression on the sound stage.

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