5 Cultural Suggestions — Susana Mendes Silva
Every week, UMBIGO invites two people to share their 5 cultural suggestions. What can we do at home? From a book to a podcast, album or film: here are recommendations from artists, curators, gallery owners, cultural activists, friends.
We will share the recipe for what makes us better, and we remain united and positive.
Susana Mendes Silva
a bedtime story – Based on a suggestion by Diogo Sottomayor, I decided to reactivate a bedtime story, a performance that I did in London in 2007. To participate, just read the instructions and register: https://a-bedtime-story.blogspot.com/
UbuWeb – The UbuWeb site has a wonderful and unmissable collection of works of art: ubu.com
JSTOR – JSTOR, an indispensable platform for those who like to investigate, has just made its content available for free: https://www.jstor.org/
The Writer’s Voice – I’m a fan of podcasts and I can only choose one so I highlight The Writer’s Voice from The New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/the-authors-voice
Russian Doll – I really enjoyed watching the Russian Doll series on Netflix: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7520794/
Susana Mendes Silva is a visual artist, performer and assistant professor in the Landscape Architecture course at the University of Évora. Her work includes an investigation component, and archival practice, which translates into works whose historical and political references materialize in exhibitions, actions and performances through the most diverse means of production. Her psychological intimacy or her voice is countless times vehicles for the dissemination and reception of poetic and political messages that summon and reactivate the memory of participants and spectators.