
Susana Jacobetty, Portuguese winner of Absolut Creative Competition

After launching the international Absolut Creative Competition, on November last year, it was received more than 7500 applications at international level – 400 just in Portugal – in a total sum of 350 artists.

The Portuguese works were evaluated by the jurors Joana Astolfi, Alexandre Melo and Bose Krishnamachari, through which the work by Susana Jacobetty, a stylist and creative with a long career at the fashion industry, was selected to represent Portugal at the next stage of the international competition.

The Portuguese winner announcement happened on 28 March, in a cheerful party celebrated at Rive Rouge, with a DJ set by Bill On Air and a performance by João Reis Moreira (Conan Osiris’ dancer), all presented by Rui Pêgo.

Susana Jacobetty’s work will now be submitted to a second evaluation, competing with the winning works of the remaining 18 countries. The global winner of this competition will be selected by an international jury in an upcoming event on 15 May 2019, in Stockholm. The awarded artist will get the chance to feature his/her work at an iconic outdoor, such as Piccadilly Circus or Times Square, and will receive a prize of 20.000€.

Follow all developments regarding the Absolut prize on the brand’s Facebook and on the competition’s Instagram account

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