
Tanel Veenre

Tanel Veenre is an Estonian jeweller and designer. He was born in Estonia to a family of musicians 1977 and studied at the Estonian Academy of Arts, where he graduated in 2005 after taking part in an exchange program with the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.

This author’s jewels take one on a journey that begins in the sea depths. It continues along the coral reefs and the seahorses dance in the dusk towards the growth of silkworms. Tanel Veenre’s reflective journey ends in a cosmic cloud.

He is currently working as an artist, a designer responsible for his own jewellery brand, while also teaching jewellery design at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

This author may legitimately be considered one of Estonia’s best-known jewellery artists of contemporaneity. His work is displayed in Estonia and abroad, in individual and collective exhibitions. When we ask him how he feels about his success, he says that he no longer has any feelings about the subject. Exhibitions and proposals happen quite often, and he doesn’t mind being famous in his street, in any city or around the world. Everything is just a fleeting moment and then it is over.

Deep down, he is constantly looking at things from a wide-ranging perspective, reflecting on eternity and death. Somehow, he is not that concerned about being known somewhere. Working has pleasant moments, where he establishes contact between two human beings. At night, he feels that everything is small on the scale of eternity.

Tanel Veenre is one of the most dynamic personalities of jewellery’s international contemporary scene. He splits himself between fashion, photography, theatre and contemporary craftwork and appears to be capable of working all corners of the creative spectrum.

With a plural work, he is well known for his work on synthetic resins, creating wearable pieces with wide coloured surfaces with soft hues.

His pieces are metaphorical. His titles point to meanings implied. The work is comprised of reflexive sentences that are read in their metaphorical environment.

His work is laden with poietic and communicative reasons. A poietic where soft colours dialogue with harmonic shapes, talking to us through cypher symbols that we must interpret.

When confronted with each piece authored by Tanel Veenre, there is a corresponding interpretive quest. The work requires successive approximations to conduct a critical reading. This must be performed in dialogue with the pieces themselves and, as it happens whenever we attempt to read works of art, one needs to know the author’s perspective beforehand.

Ana Campos was born in Porto, Portugal, in 1953. She is a jeweler and is also dedicated to research in this area. In the field of teaching, she taught design and theories of the art and design of contemporary jewelery. Until 2013, she was director of the arts / jewelery business and coordinator of the post-graduation in jewelery design at ESAD - School of Arts and Design, in Matosinhos, Portugal. It has been dedicated to curating and producing national and international jewelery exhibitions. Graduated in Communication Design at FBAUP. He studied jewelery at Ar.Co, Lisbon and at the Massana School, Barcelona, ​​as a scholarship holder at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He holds a postgraduate degree in Intercultural Relations from Universidade Aberta, Porto, which led to a masters degree in Visual Anthropology, whose dissertation is entitled "Cel i Mar: Ramón Puig, actor in a new jewelery scene". The orientation was by José Ribeiro. She is currently a PhD in philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He finished his PhD in 2014, with the guidance of Gerard Vilar. He developed a thesis entitled: "Contemporary jewelry as art: a philosophical study".

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