
Lisboa Soa 2018

Lisboa Soa returns on 20, 21, 22, and 23 September to fill the capital with experimental and ambient music.

If last year the echoes of the magnificent experiences of sound art in Estufa Fria still linger in our minds, with several installations and concerts, this year the chosen venues will also be wonderful by the mysterious aura they encompass.

On this 2018 edition, the program establishes the Mãe d’Água of Amoreiras, the Patriarchal Reservoir and Loreto Gallery as the meeting points for more concerts, sound walks, installations and soundscapes and names such as Tomoko Sauvage, Diana Policarpo, Sirius or Banha da Cobra.

Don’t miss, from 20 to 23 September, Lisboa Soa through the places and the sounds of water. Check the full program here.

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