
Exhibition Locus19

Locus19 is a brief exhibition which follows an unusual model within the Portuguese praxis regarding the occupation of expectant spaces. In a city like Lisbon, prone to mass tourism, events like this constitute an escape to the typical and monotonous experiences of big metropolis.

Sixteen artists, all sharing the same interest in painting, will occupy a building that will house a number of workspaces and offices in the future. In this sense, they liminarly refuse the usual place of exhibition of galleries and white cubes to coexist side by side with a local lexicon of architectures and objects, signaling, thus, an independent and experimental form of organizing exhibitions, parting ways with a certain institutionalism.

The artists are: Adriana Proganó, Ana Luísa Amado, Aires de Gameiro, Henrique Palmeirim, Hugo Bernardo, Joana Rá, João Maria Pacheco, João Pedro Fonseca, Luís Rocha, Pedro Batista, Raquel Melgue, Ricardo Marcelino, Rita Thomaz, Sara Mealha, Stefanie Pullin, Zé Maria Ardison.

Locus19 opens on 12 April at 8pm, at Calçada Ribeiro Santos 19. From 13 to 16 April – the duration of the exhibition – the entrance is free, but must be previously scheduled. Moro information here.

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