New art gallery in Lisbon
The French gallery Jeanne Bucher Jeager is opening on 19 January, in Lisbon.
Created in 1925, the Galerie Jeanne Bucher is considered a well-known place in the exhibition of modern art in Paris and is now extending its business into Lisbon with shows from that artistic period onwards.
Jeanne Bucher was a visionary who exhibited and protected names such as Picasso, Gris, Arp Ernst or Kandinsky, when Modernism was still trying to manage a significant movement in the arts. But what’s more interesting for the Portuguese History of Art is that Bucher was the main promoter of the work of Vieira da Silva after she started living in Paris.
The legacy continues with Jean-François Jeager, with exhibitions of post-war art, and is now directed by Véronique Jeager who reaffirmed the contemporary path the gallery has been developing, while reformulating the name of the gallery into Gallery Jeanne Bucher Jeager.
Les Naïfs, by the artists André Bauchant and Louis-Auguste Déchelette, is the opening show of the new space in Lisbon and signals the first expansion of the gallery in the global art system. Both integrate the art movement of naïf art, or the “modern primitives”, and the shown works reveal the several waves of this genre and the painted themes and motives of landscapes, scenes of daily life, and other humorous subjects.
The Gallery Jeanne Bucher Jeager opens on 19 January, at Rua Serpa Pinto nr.1, Lisbon.