
Portuguese architects awarded last week

At the end of last week Pessoa Prize has distinguished the architect Manuel Aires Mateus as the 2017’s person of the year.

This is a prize with the initiative of Expresso journal and the patronage of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, which aims to recognize the activity of relevant individuals in the fields of culture, arts and sciences. It is the third time an architect is awarded.

After Eduardo Souto de Moura and João Carrilho da Graça, Manuel Aires Mateus is honoured with his portfolio and as a worldly-known architect and professor.

This is a cause for celebration for Portuguese architecture, not only for the award, but also for the humble posture of the architect of sharing this winning with the whole studio, an important addition for such an achievement. Manuel Aires Mateus also shared this award with his brother Francisco Aires Mateus with whom he signs all projects.



This week has begun with yet another revelation of the winners of the Valmor and Architecture Municipal Award from the years of 2013 to 2016.

One of the most cherished national prizes in architecture recognizes 13 projects of the capital from 2013 to 2016 and has now distinguished Frederico Valsassina, Manuel Aires Mateus e João Ferreira Nunes (2013), Gonçalo Byrne e João Pedro Falcão de Campos (2014), Álvaro Siza e Carlos Castanheira (2015) e Alberto Souza Oliveira (2016).

Since 115 years ago, this award results from a fusion (in 1982) of the Valmor Prize and the Architecture Municipal Award, created in 1943. Its main focus is on the promotion of high quality architecture and landscaping, awarding new buildings, rehabilitations, zones and green spaces that majorly value the city of Lisbon and its heritage.

The award also renews the partnership between the Lisbon Municipality and the Lisbon Triennial.


Complete list of awards from 2013 to 2016




Sewage Treatment Plant in Alcântara – Extension works and new rooftop

Architecture project: Frederico Valsassina, Manuel Aires Mateus and João Ferreira Nunes (Proap)

Promotor: SimTejo


Honorable Mentions

Services Building, at Rua Laura Ayres 3 – Construction

Architecture project: João Luís Carrilho da Graça

Promotor: Novasede – Atividades Imobiliárias, SA


Housing at Rua Teófilo Braga – Renewing works

Architecture Project/Promotor: José Mateus

Severa House – Renewing works

Architecture Project: José Adrião

Promotor: Lisbon Municipality




Bank of Portugal, Money Museum – Renewing works

Architecture Project: Gonçalo Byrne and João Pedro Falcão de Campos

Promotor: Bank of Portugal


Honorable Mentions

Housing at Travessa do Patrocínio – Construction

Architecture Project: Luís Andrade

Promotor: Sigma Pax Investimentos


Roman Theatre – Rehabilitaion and revaluation

Architecture Project: Daniela Ermano and João Carrasco

Promotor: Lisbon Municipality




Terraces of Carmo – Renewing works

Architecture Project: Álvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira

Promotor: Lisbon Municipality


Honorable Mentions

Housing in Restelo – Construction

Architecture Project: Ana Mafalda Sequeira Batalha

Promotor: Terraquinta, Gestão e Administração de Património Imobiliário SA


National Coach Museum – Construction

Architecture Project: Paulo Mendes da Rocha, MMBB  Bak Gordon and João Ferreira Nunes

Promotor: Directorate General for Cultural Heritage




Movietheatre Capitólio – Renewing work

Architecture Project: Alberto Souza Oliveira

Promotor: Lisbon Municipality


Honorable Mentions

Caleidoscópio Shopping Centre – Renewing work, Service Building

Architecture Project: Pedro Oliveira

Promotor: Lisbon Municipality


MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology – Construction, Cultural Building

Architecture Project: Amanda Levete

Promotor: EDP Foundation

Fabrícia Valente holds a degree in Architecture from the University of Évora (pre-Bologna) and has training in complementary areas such as video, photography and the production of temporary exhibitions. She is an active curator (eg KAIROS Pavilion), Critic (she is the editor of the online section of Architecture of the Umbigo Magazine and is part of the J–A editorial team) and works in Cultural Mediation (Museu Colecção Berardo and MAAT) on more than 90 exhibitions. She collaborates with several entities in the search for multidisciplinarity between Architecture, Plastic Arts and Music, areas where she develops research works.

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