
PLMJ is nominated for the Corporate Art Awards

The Corporate Art Awards was conceived with the purpose of awarding the corporations that invest in art and stimulate the contact with art. As is commonly known, art, by default, is the branch of social responsibility investors prize the most. The nominees thus are invited to share and present their portfolio and, with this in mind and the several categories stipulated by a professional committee, all awards are distributed.

There are candidates from all over the world and this year representing Portugal will be PLMJ, “a legal services network” based in different Portuguese-speaking countries.

The PLMJ Foundation has regularly invested in art and has a considerable collection of over 1000 works of art, in all the artistic expressions, with some of them being featured in a number of exhibitions. This is also a corporation that has frequently helped culture – in its most vast sense –, with a firm tradition in patronage.

The ceremony will be held at Rome 22 November and the winner will be awarded with a new work of art.

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