
Festival NEOPOP

The biggest pleasures in life should be drawn in neon lights and have a customized entrance. We have always imagined the Berliners of Natário with a giant logo, but also with a tiny door to avoid having to wait in line. We have also imagined an entrance with that same magnitude for NEOPOP. If Kraftwerk are without a doubt the major attraction on Saturday night, under the curatorship of Red Bull Music Academy, how can we ever forget their performance two years ago at the Coliseum of Lisbon, or what really appears to be the final show ever of Moderat, these are the tiny pleasures that will make us ask for more and more – the much-anticipated return of Alex FxHelena Hauff and to recall the recent night at Lux is a treat more than justified, or Rødhåd and The Field, appearances more or less frequent in our country. Perhaps we will be able to find our portable sun.

August 03 – 04 – 05 | Viana do Castelo + info

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